Terms & Conditions

Like every club, we need to establish a few basic terms and conditions. Some are specific to our Amersham franchise and some are mandated by Tumble Tots UK. If you need flexibility on anything here, please discuss with us over email at jaspreet.mudan@tumbletots.com because we do what we can to make this work for you.

1. Membership: After trialling, your child needs to become a member of the national Tumble Tots club. Annual membership costs £25 for Membership. Membership provides insurance for activities in class and a great membership pack.

2. Booking basis: There is no need to pay through the booking platform, we encourage payment by bank transfer to reduce the cost to you. Bank details are sort code 60-02-60, account 10242554, child’s name as the reference. If you change your mind about attending classes having paid, trial fees and membership fees are non-refundable, other class fees will be refunded 50% of the amount paid starting from the class after you email us at jaspreet.mudan@tumbletots.com to request the refund. Annual membership cannot be refunded.

3. Missed classes: Missed classes cannot be refunded or credited, but you are welcome to attend a replacement class at an alternative Tumble Tots Amersham session to your normal one at any time during your paid period. This can be done for up to a MAXIMUM of 3 sessions which are to be made up within the same term time.

4. Renewal: We will automatically pencil your child in from one period to the next and email you an invoice for your ease of payment. Let us know if you don’t want the spot because we otherwise typically hold them to give members priority. To be guaranteed that spot though, we ask for full payment within the allocated time quoted on the email to avoid losing your space to other families on the waiting list.

5. Closures: Rarely, in times of extreme weather or exceptional traffic conditions for example, we may be forced to close a class. Historically it is on snow days that this may occur and typically because our halls ask us not to attend due to safety concerns on their site. We will email the details you register with us as soon as we know and post this on our Tumble Tots Amersham Facebook page so do check before setting off if in doubt. Since this is totally outside of our control, please make up sessions missed in this way by attending any of our age-appropriate classes within 3 months, even if you are not generally attending at that time, or bring a friend sometime, having checked for space first.

6. In the classes:

·    The safety of your children is our priority but remains your responsibility. Please follow the guidelines given to you by Tumble Tots staff, in particular remembering to hold the back of your child’s shirt whilst climbing. In the event of an accident, please ensure you speak to a member of staff if you need help. All significant accidents must be recorded in the Accident Book.

·  The adult must stay on-site during classes, assisting with all under 3s and any over 3s who need additional support

·    Do not take photos or videos during classes, only afterwards with nobody else in shot, and never of children other than your own

·    If you need to use your phone, for safety, please take your child out of the room with you to do so

·    Take away your child’s dummy to protect from potential injury should they fall onto their face

·    Illness: Please do not bring your child or a sibling to class within 48 hours of tummy upsets or with conjunctivitis. For other illnesses please be considerate to the staff, young children and pregnant mums in classes and remember that you can make up your missed sessions

·    Equipment is designed for use by Tumble Tots. Adults and non-member siblings must not climb on or use the large equipment and please refrain from sitting on it at any time. Siblings are welcome to join in at circle time, and use the co-ordination equipment

7. Covid

On attending Tumble Tots classes and by becoming a Tumble Tots member it is your responsibility, as the parent or guardian, to maintain current government social distancing measures whilst attending Tumble Tots classes and to follow staff instructions from time to time. If you have to miss a class due to either having Covid-19 or isolating with family members or whilst awaiting testing, then you will be eligible for our 'make up' system (detailed above). If we have to cancel a class for reasons relating to Covid then we will roll over this class fee into the next half term.